Nuffnang !

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Make money just by online !

Alot of people ask me "how do you generate such income just by sitting at home?"
Okay, it's simple. I just sign-in into Facebook / Twitter or any others Social website ~
Most importantlty, it doesn't cost you a single CENT !
From a community website and I get Ca$h rewards for sharing brand messages, discover what people are reading or watching on the Internet, and be part of an awesome community and meet like-minded friends.

To get rewarding kindly click both link below and signup right now ! 

It's simple, from now I will guide you step-by-step how to start this reward thingy :

1. For both they are almost the same steps but I will show a tutorial for 8Share, after login kindly press any of the available campaign :
2. Soon, follow steps by them, the message are ready by them, press any button to share on your Facebook or Twitter and more !

3. After shared, your message will appear like this on Facebook

4. Last step wait for public to click inside / encourage others to click in.

5. Wait for reward like : Real-live update all day ~

6. Not long from 8Share launching, I've earned total RM840++. Cashed-out RM500 last month and currently have RM345.99 inside my account balance.
To cash-out, there is a button on right-side - below "Cash out status the box".

After clicking cash-out button, they will ask you to fill-up a form like this : 

7. To perform a cash-out request, kindly fill-up all the bank account holder information.
8. Wait them to process the cash-out request and transfer to your bank account. :)

*For 8Share they transfer your earning via online banking transfer + Update Hourly + RM50 cashout
*For Churp2 they send cash cheque to your house and require you to bank in to your account yourself + RM100 cashout 
*Gushad RM60 cashout + instant updated earnings + Paypal / BankTT
*IkAds - Fast earning RM15 cashout + fast update + BankTT

Enjoy. Hope this is helpful to you !
Happy Earning ~

Any enquiry, kindly contact me via my FACEBOOK. <<<<

My previous earning from Churp2, they paid by cheque send to your house !


  1. great article, just signed up ~ hope it really works !

  2. hey, that's alot unique visits you got ! o.o

    1. yes kindly visit my newest blog post to know how to gain unique visits :

  3. hii ~ cam ne ko bleh dpat banyak klik ni? bleh ajar?

    1. bleh ~ sile tengok post nii ,

  4. thanks, juz read your post and I'm goin to sign up now :)

  5. how to generate unique visit?

  6. still working for 8share?!
